
Winter Blues Reining

Level Leaderboards
Non Pro (RN)
1Good Intentions Paint HorseAndi240
2Out of Orbit ȿQuarter HorsePinto207
3False Confession 🐻Paint HorseSkylar204
4Oh Oh Tee Dee Quarter HorseArtemis198
5Ziggy Stardust Paint HorseEloise195
6Magnificent Quarter HorseHollie192
7Misty Step Quarter HorseAndi192
8Shadowpact ArabianEloise183
9Ima Star Paint HorseArtemis177
10Fatal Error Quarter HorseKieran174
11Aztec Gold Quarter HorseLila168
12Spooks Gotta Run Quarter HorseAndi159
13Leavin Me Lonely Paint HorseDean156
14Chetan MustangKieran153
15Blonde Ambition Quarter HorseOdette150
Novice (RN)
1Kamilah GGFArabianEloise213
2WhattaPrettyVintage DKRQuarter HorseOdette201
3SheLikesTwistedTs DKRQuarter HorseOdette189
4Ninety Proof DKRQuarter HorseOdette186
5Country Strong Quarter HorseAndi180
6Only in Vegas Quarter HorseDean168
7Metztli MustangArtemis165
8Smoking Hot Encore 🐻Quarter HorseSkylar162
9TheDealersDaughter DKRQuarter HorseOdette162
10Rebel By Design Quarter HorseKieran159
11Twilight Princess HCMMorgan HorseAndi159
12Cruz Control DKRQuarter HorseOdette156
13Hot Cross Buns ȿPaint HorseCharlotte150
14Dassais ASAArabianAda141
15Little Miss Hollywood Quarter HorseHollie141
Training (RN)
1Eden Assassin 🐻Paint HorseSkylar216
2Hollywood Heiress 🐻AppaloosaSkylar216
3Gypsy Danger Paint HorseSkylar189
4His Name In Lights Paint HorseKieran183
5Paladin Tornado Paint HorseSkylar180
6Jets Sweet Thang ȿQuarter HorsePinto165
7Batouttahell Paint HorseKieran135
8Hot Toddy ȿPaint HorsePinto123
9SilverzInStyle DKRQuarter HorseOdette84
10Hadassah GGFArabianAmanda54
11Afterparty DKRQuarter HorseOdette51
12Little Yellow Dress Quarter HorseOdette45
13Aventura ʄɱ*AndalusianAce33
14BluEyedMizz DKRQuarter HorseOdette0
15Shez All Sugar DKRQuarter HorsePinto0
Limited (RN)
1Azriel MustangArtemis219
2Drinkingwithfriends Paint HorseArtemis204
3Drunk On You Paint HorseArtemis162
4Quarterback Sneak Quarter HorseAndi159
5Glitz N Glamour ʄɱ*Paint HorseArtemis153
6Lasting Impression AppaloosaDean153
7Lamplight Morgan HorseAndi114
8Pop Champagne Quarter HorsePinto111
9Twhizted Gun Paint HorseAlyson111
10Diabolical AppaloosaDean108
11Barroom Blitz Quarter HorseAndi96
12Shoshannah GGFArabianKieran87
13Storm Warning SFMHMorgan HorseHeather63
Intermediate (RN)
1Boyfriendnumbertwo Quarter HorseArtemis285
2This Chics Fae Paint HorseArtemis201
3Diamondsinthesky Paint HorseArtemis198
4Desire ʄɱ*Quarter HorseAce192
5Gunnabeastar Paint HorseArtemis189
6Southern Belle Quarter HorseArtemis186
7Full Tilt Diva Quarter HorseKieran180
8Baariq ArabianDean171
9Citlali MustangKieran168
10Jack and Coke Quarter HorseArtemis168
11Spook This Chic Quarter HorseAndi165
12Drop Dead Gorgeous Paint HorseArtemis150
13Woya B̷̈́MustangKieran144
14Glitterati Quarter HorseHollie138
15Midnight Jewel Heist 🐻Quarter HorseSkylar135
Advanced (RN)
1Northern Princess ʄɱ*LusitanoAce237
2Call Me Trouble 🐻Quarter HorseSkylar216
3Ruthless Style 🐻Paint HorseSkylar207
4Saint Denis Quarter HorseHollie174
5Jakhal GGFArabianAmanda171
6Salute The Deputy 🐻Paint HorseSkylar165
7Dakota Blonde 🗝Quarter HorseSkylar162
8Pale Moon Rising Quarter HorseAndi150
9Estinien 🐻Quarter HorseSkylar147
10Justa Sugar Rush ArabianPinto141
11Smyrnoff 2̳1ArabianAmanda141
12Talawat El Toya GGFArabianAmanda132
13Unholy Confessions Quarter HorseSkylar132
14Fledermaus Quarter HorseKieran126
15Smoking Hot Vixen 🐻Quarter HorseSkylar117
Master (RN)
1Guns Blazing Quarter HorseAndi309
2Noble Spark ʄɱ*Quarter HorseAce309
3Stygian Morgan HorseAndi306
4Space Cowboy Quarter HorseAce300
5Love Story Paint HorseAlyson135
6Fledermaus Quarter HorseKieran129
7Yellowjacket Quarter HorseAlyson93
Non Pro
CH$250Good Intentions owned by Andi
RCH$100Out of Orbit owned by Pinto
CH$250Kamilah owned by Eloise
RCH$100WhattaPrettyVintage owned by Odette
CH$250Eden Assassin owned by Skylar
RCH$100Hollywood Heiress owned by Skylar
CH$250Azriel owned by Artemis
RCH$100Drinkingwithfriends owned by Artemis
CH$250Boyfriendnumbertwo owned by Artemis
RCH$100This Chics Fae owned by Artemis
CH$250Northern Princess owned by Ace
RCH$100Call Me Trouble owned by Skylar
CH$250Guns Blazing owned by Andi
RCH$100Noble Spark owned by Ace
  1. Winter Blues Reining I
  2. Winter Blues Reining II
  3. Winter Blues Reining III
  4. Winter Blues Reining IV
Host Settings
Series Name: Association: