
Timberline's Very Merry 23.2

Level Leaderboards
Non Pro (RN)
1Hot Cross Buns ȿPaint HorseCharlotte240
2Beautiful Letdown Quarter HorseArtemis234
3Soap On a Rope Quarter HorsePinto216
4Maravilha LusitanoAce204
5Boot Scootin Spook DKRPaint HorseOdette192
6TwoTiminTwister DKRQuarter HorseOdette189
7One Last Midnight Paint HorseArtemis180
8Tlalli MustangKieran174
9Absolut ArabianPinto165
10Cash N Out DKRPaint HorsePinto165
11TheDealersDaughter DKRQuarter HorseOdette159
12Diamondsareforever ʘPaint HorsePinto156
13SheLikesTwistedTs DKRQuarter HorseOdette156
14Aventura ʄɱ*AndalusianAce150
15Bali ȿArabianPinto150
Rookie (RN)
1Batouttahell Paint HorseKieran267
2TC Atomic ȿArabianPinto240
3Effervescent Quarter HorseArtemis234
4Drinkingwithfriends Paint HorseArtemis225
5Barroom Blitz Quarter HorseAndi219
6Drunk On You Paint HorseArtemis207
7Twhizted Gun Paint HorseAlyson207
8Metztli MustangArtemis201
9Barmaid Quarter HorseArtemis174
10Shamgar GGFArabianAmanda168
11Lamplight Morgan HorseAndi162
12Quarterback Sneak Quarter HorseAndi159
13Hot Toddy ȿPaint HorsePinto147
14Original Gangster Quarter HorseArtemis144
15Tennessee Heat AppaloosaHeather138
Limited (RN)
1Kentucky Peach Quarter HorseAlyson243
2Southern Belle Quarter HorseArtemis234
3Woya B̷̈́MustangKieran216
4Lookin Lucky Quarter HorseHollie207
5Lasting Impression AppaloosaDean204
6Jack and Coke Quarter HorseArtemis198
7This Chics Fae Paint HorseArtemis186
8Gunnabeastar Paint HorseArtemis180
9Jets Sweet Thang ȿQuarter HorsePinto171
10Boyfriendnumbertwo Quarter HorseArtemis168
11Citlali MustangKieran168
12Loveisabattlefield Quarter HorseKieran168
13Glitterati Quarter HorseHollie153
14Glitz N Glamour ʄɱ*Paint HorseArtemis147
15Pop Champagne Quarter HorsePinto120
Intermediate (RN)
1Saint Denis Quarter HorseHollie264
2Vellichor Quarter HorseKieran210
3Diamondsinthesky Paint HorseArtemis198
4Desire ʄɱ*Quarter HorseAce153
5Samsara GGFArabianAmanda144
6Pale Moon Rising Quarter HorseAndi141
7Fledermaus Quarter HorseKieran138
8Justa Sugar Rush ArabianPinto138
9Drop Dead Gorgeous Paint HorseArtemis129
10Silverdown ArabianKieran114
11Hot Buttered Rum ȿPaint HorsePinto111
12Hez Da Bomb Diggity ʄɱ*Quarter HorseAce93
13Full Tilt Diva Quarter HorseKieran90
14Cherry Whiskey Smash AppaloosaHeather66
15Surangi GGFArabianAmanda60
Open (RN)
1Bryony Quarter HorseKieran222
2Guns Blazing Quarter HorseAndi219
3Showstopper ʄɱ*Lusitano/Quarter HorseAce216
4Gangster Paradise Quarter HorseArtemis201
5Deja Voodoo ArabianHollie189
6Exs and Ohs Quarter HorseArtemis189
7Stygian Morgan HorseAndi189
8Gentleman Jack Quarter HorseArtemis186
9This Chics Gangster Quarter HorseArtemis183
10Smyrnoff 2̳1ArabianAmanda171
11Noble Spark ʄɱ*Quarter HorseAce168
12Talawat El Toya GGFArabianAmanda162
13Shadowsinger Paint HorseKieran156
14Space Cowboy Quarter HorseAce156
15Beyond The Stars ʄɱ*Quarter HorseAce150
Non Pro
CH$250Hot Cross Buns owned by Charlotte
RCH$100Beautiful Letdown owned by Artemis
CH$250Batouttahell owned by Kieran
RCH$100TC Atomic owned by Pinto
CH$250Kentucky Peach owned by Alyson
RCH$100Southern Belle owned by Artemis
CH$250Saint Denis owned by Hollie
RCH$100Vellichor owned by Kieran
CH$250Bryony owned by Kieran
RCH$100Guns Blazing owned by Andi
  1. Timberline’s Very Merry I
  2. Timberline’s Very Merry II
  3. Timberline's Very Merry III
  4. Timberline's Very Merry IV
Host Settings
Series Name: Association: